The aim of the Staff Portal is to provide you with all the information you will need during your employment with us. All information contained within the Portal forms part of your contract of employment at Let Minnow Cafe.
Under no circumstances is the name of the employer or any work-related issue (such as those involving other team members, guests or any other operational issue) to be discussed on social media/messenger. It is also against policy for social media to be used as a forum for criticism of the business, guests, managers, supervisors and team members.
Employees are to store personal effects in the back office at the beginning of each shift. Due to limited space, please ensure you take your items home with you after each shift.
NOTE: Please do not store valuable items on site as the business will not be held responsible for any loss of items through theft.
Bathrooms are shared with customers so please be mindful of this when using them and ensure that you leave them in a clean state with paper towel placed in the bins. Also remove your hat/apron at your workstation and never take them in or wear them to the bathroom.
If the bathrooms need cleaning o r need toilet paper/paper towel refilling, please take the initiative to clean or replenish.
If you stay on the premises for meal breaks, you are entitled to a staff meal at a discount of 50%. Meal breaks are unpaid and must be entered into Square and deducted from your daily hours in XeroME.
You are not permitted to eat meals or snack foods (including chewing gum) at any other time during a shift.
All team members are required to be on the premises at least 5 minutes prior to commencement of your shift so you are at your area of work and fully prepared at the rostered start time. Being regularly late to work will lead to disciplinary action.
Employees will need to sign on and off at the start and end of every shift and for breaks using the Square Teams App.
Prior to your first shift you will be invited into the Square Teams App. You must keep an accurate record of your working hours, falsifying your clock in/out time is dishonest and may lead to termination of your employment. Please do not clock in until you have stored your belongings and you are ready to start work. Please clock out as soon as you are directed to do so by your supervisor.
If you are not able to attend a shift due to illness you are expected to phone or message one of the Management team, a minimum of 2 hours prior to the commencement time of your rostered shift, however we ask, that you provide us with as much notice as possible.
You are personally responsible for reporting your absence, please do not have a friend of relative phone on your behalf (juniors excluded).
Absence Contacts
Front of house
Julie Sowter 0410 668 584
Jake Baigent 0435 113 839
Giri Paudel 0450 228 564
Brent Mcdowall
If more than two days sick leave is required, a medical certificate will be required (permanent and part time staff only).
You have been employed based on the availability outlined on your application of employment. The business requests that you update your unavailability via Square should this change.
If a change in your availability does not suit the operational demands of the business, the business may terminate or change the conditions of your employment.
The café operates on most public holidays and these dates vary from year to year. If you are rostered on a public holiday you will be expected to work your regular shift at an increased pay rate.
If you fail to report to work without contacting your Supervisor you can be dismissed. We may also report your contact details to the Police for a welfare check .
Any employee who steals from the premises will b e instantly dismissed and charged. Irrespective of value, stealing has a serious e ffect on the operation of a business. Unauthorised use of the café phone, giving away food/drinks o r consuming food/drinks that is not entered through the POS & paid for at the end of your shift are all forms of stealing.
Communication with the kitchen is paramount for a smooth service. During the day should the kitchen have an item unavailable it is everyones responsibility to ensure the team are notified and the item is marked unavailable through Square.
To update an item availability;
Select a saved ticket or create a new sale.
Tap Actions > Item Availability.
Use the search tool or select an item from the list.
Choose Available or Unavailable > Save.
You can also press and hold the item tile you’d like to make unavailable and choose Unavailable.
If an item is only temporarily unavailable, you can select Make Available at End of Day. The item will be automatically be re-enabled next morning.
No team member will disclose to guests or any other persons matters specifically related to the internal operations o f the business, such as takings, expenses, personnel details etc. The owner is the only designated spokespersons for the business.
All team members will be required to participate in ongoing performance and development reviews. For members of the Management team this will be quarterly, for all other staff it will be every six months.
If you need to use a phone, please do so during your breaks. Mobile phones are not to be kept within staff access during shift except with management approval. Any staff member found using their mobile phone while on shift will face disciplinary action.
Your friends are welcome to patronize the café however this should not distract you from your job. You should give your friends equal attention as you do with any other customer.
Café policy allows staff 1 free tea/coffee per shift and $ 1 per standard coffee following this while on shift. Alternative milks, double shots etc. will be charged accordingly. All coffees are to be ordered through the POS system. At no time is any team member not working in the bar or coffee area permitted to help themselves to drinks.
To put your free coffee through the till you will need to assign them to your customer account by entering your coffee, pressing ENTER and then pressing ACCOUNT.
This will bring up your personal account and will automatically assign the 100% discount. For subsequent $1 coffees please save these to the staff table.
Staff are entitled to 50% off all food and drinks.
If on shift, all food and drink is to be put through the POS prior to consumption and saved to the staff table. At the end of your shift please have a Supervisor cash off the transaction via the POS system and place the receipt in the till. Your bill must be paid off at the end of each shift. Off shift, the discount is only for your own items and does not extend to partners, family or friends you may be dining with. hen cashing off the discount will be applied to your bill, abuse of the discount and using it o n items consumed b y others will results in disciplinary action.
Consumption or use of alcohol or illicit drugs is not permitted at the workplace. Employees who are observed to be in breach of this policy will be subject to the employer’s disciplinary policy, and depending o n the circumstances, the behavior may be treated as serious misconduct, justifying summary dismissal.
Employees deemed to be in breach of this policy will be cautioned and removed from the workplace immediately.