At Let Minnow Cafe we use one platform TANDA for rostering, timesheets and communication, detailed below is the important information on using TANDA.
The pay week for all staff runs from a Wednesday to Tuesday, all casual and part time staff are required to sign in and sign out of all shifts using TANDA.
Pays are processed on Wednesdays and are deposited into your nominated bank account. You will receive a detailed payslip via email with every pay run.
All staff who work a shift longer than 5 hours are entitled to a 30 minute unpaid break. All breaks must be recorded in the TANDA. Staff meals can be ordered, with a 50% staff discount applied. No free staff meals are to be ordered or prepared.
When you first begin your employment you will receive an invitation into TANDA onboarding you need to complete this as soon as possible. You will need to download the app, have notifications on and allow access to your camera and location.
This is where you can view your rosters, sign in, sign out and record breaks. You can also update your availability and request leave directly through the app.
It is a condition of employment that you download TANDA, and have notifications turned on .
Access all of the important Tanda features on the go with the Tanda Mobile App. The App can be downloaded to any phone or tablet.
To download the mobile app, open your device's app store and search Tanda. Find and download the blue Tanda app.
Find and download the blue Tanda app.The Tanda app has been designed to include new features as they're released without the need for you to update the app. Therefore, you won't need to update the Tanda Mobile App in your device's app store when we make a change.
Once you've got the app on your phone, you're ready to login.
You are permitted to clock in and out of your shifts remotely with the mobile app. (Keep in mind this is geo-fenced so you must be on the property), you must allow access to your camera and location.
In order to record an accurate clock in, the mobile app requires permission to access your location and camera while using the app. This information is used by your organisation to ensure the right employees are clocking in at the right places. If access is not provided, you will not be able to clock in remotely, and Clock In Blocked will appear when you attempt to.
To grant access permission to the app, either accept when you first open the app, or through your device's settings.
You'll be able to clock in and out through the mobile app.
To clock in, select the yellow Clock in button in the top right corner of the app, under your profile picture. You'll be navigated to the clock-in screen, then click the option to clock in.
The same process will apply when clocking onto a break or clocking out of your shift. You'll receive confirmation each time you clock in and out.
Check whether you're clocked in, out, or onto a break by viewing your status in the top right corner of the app.
You maybe required to answer questions when you're clocking in or out of your shift, or onto your break. These can be asked each time you're clocking in, or in more specific circumstances like clocking in later than you were rostered to start.
Select or enter the relevant information, submit your response, and you'll be clocked in. If a response is required, you won't be able to clock in until you provide an answer.
Configure the Mobile App to suit your preferences in your profile and app settings.
Access your app settings and profile by clicking your profile picture or avatar in the top right corner of the app.
On this page, click the Settings tab to adjust your preferences on the app, including:
Adjusting the time format
Enabling dark mode
Changing the language
Adjusting the timezone
Adding a profile picture
You will have the ability to set and update a profile photo through the profile menu.
Using the 'Edit' option, you can either take a photo or choose one from your gallery.
This profile picture will be visible to other staff members and managers. To remove a profile picture, select the 'Edit' option in settings, and select the blue 'Update' button without choosing a photo. Your image will be replaced with recent clock-in photos, and will only be visible to managers.
Shift reminders allow staff to receive push notifications to remind them of their upcoming shifts. Multiple reminders can be set through the Settings tab on the profile page. For example, 2 hours before your shift and then 30 minutes before your shift, you'll receive a reminder.
Ensure you've allowed push notifications from the Work app in your device settings.
Always know when your next shift is and extra roster details through the mobile app.
All team members can access information about their personal shifts in the app under the Shifts tab of the navigation bar.
On this page, you can scroll through your shifts for the current week, scroll back to shifts in the past, and scroll forward to future shifts that have been published.
Each shift card contains details like:
Your start and finish times
Any breaks you've been rostered
The team and location that you will be working in
The total shift length
The estimated wages that you will receive for working that shift (if enabled by your organisation)
The profile picture of other staff members in your team working at the same time
Clicking into a shift card will also show any additional shift details and actions, including:
Break start and finish times (if made visible by your organisation)
Whether the breaks are paid or unpaid (shown by the $ icon)
Any extra details/tasks for the shift
The button to request a replacement for your rostered shift (if enabled by your organisation - learn more here) Add link to replacements guide
You can also toggle between your shifts and your team's shifts through the Team roster button at the top of the page.
The Team roster can only be viewed one day at a time.
Depending on your employment type and your organisation settings, your organisation may require you to accept or decline any shifts that doesn't meet your regular hours of work.
Any shifts that do not meet the regular hours set against your profile will be outlined when your roster is published.
When reviewing your upcoming roster, you'll have the option to Accept All Pending shifts, or Review by Hand through the Shifts page on the navigation bar.
Add your roster to your personal calendar - You'll be able to have your roster automatically added to your phone's calendar app by selecting the Copy calendar link + option in Settings. This will copy the roster as a URL to then be pasted into your calendar app.
To request a replacement shift:
Navigate to the shift you can't work on the roster
Click the > icon
Click the Request a replacement button on the next page
Add the reason for the request
Click the Submit button
Confirm your estimated wage loss
From here, a manager will be able to offer the shift to your co-workers, or reject your request for a replacement
If you've changed your mind, or can now work the shift you requested a replacement for, you can cancel the request by navigating back to the relevant shift and click the Cancel Replacement Request button.
You will receive a notification once a team member has picked up your shift and it has been approved by a manager. Once the replacement has been approved, the shift will no longer appear on your roster. Until then, the shift will remain on your roster, marked as Request pending.
If your manager has rejected your request, you'll be notified via push notification and the shift will remain on your roster.
If a co-worker requests a shift replacement, or your employer rosters empty shifts that you can claim, use the Pick up shifts feature to add them to your roster.
Any shift that you're eligible to pick up can be found through the Shifts button on the navigation bar, under the Pick up shifts tab.
Scroll between days and locations you work in to see what shifts you can pick up.
If you have the option to 'Claim Shift', doing so will automatically add it to your roster. If multiple employees have the option to Claim the same shift, the first employee to do so will be allocated the shift.
The shift card will show:
The team and location of the shift
Length of the shift
Date of the shift
How much you'll earn for working the shift
You can also request a replacement on a shift you've claimed if you can no longer work it.
If you have the option to 'Offer to Cover' a shift, your offer will need to be approved by a manager before being added to your roster.
The shift card will also show:
The team and location of the shift
Length of the shift
Date of the shift
How much you'll earn for working the shift
If your Offer to Cover is approved, you'll be notified via push notification, and the shift will be added to your roster.
If you've got another commitment, or won't be able to work your regular shifts, let your managers know by applying for leave or unavailability.
You can request leave when you're unable to work. Generally, paid leave is reserved for part time, full time, or salaried employees, and is accrued as they work.
To create a new leave request, navigate to the Leave tab of the navigation bar and select the blue + icon in the bottom right corner of your device.
Enter the following fields when creating your leave request:
If the request spans across One day or Multiple days
The dates you'd like the leave request to cover
If the request will apply All day or Between the hours of...
The applicable times if you've selected the Between the hours of... option
The leave type being taken
The reason for the request (this is optional, and can include attachments)
Once you've created your request, your manager will be responsible for approving it.
To notify your manager the days and times you can't work each week by applying for unavailability.
To create a new unavailability request, navigate to the Leave tab of the navigation bar, click the Unavailability tab at the top of the page, then click the blue + icon in the bottom right corner of your device.
Enter the following fields when creating your unavailability request:
If the request is to apply Once (as a one-off) or on a Weekly basis
Which date it applies to if you've selected Once, or which days it will apply to each Week
If the request is to apply All day or Between the hours of...
The applicable times if you've selected the Between the hours of... option
If the recurring Weekly unavailability Repeats forever or Between the dates...
The reason for the request (this is required)
Once you've created your request, your manager will be responsible for approving it.
When you work a shift, the details of it can be found in the Timesheets tab of the mobile app.
Access the timesheets for previously worked shifts through the Timesheets tab on the navigation menu, or by scrolling to a past week on the Rosters page. Each timesheet card will include:
The date and times of the shift
The team you worked in
The worked hours in bold
The original rostered shift underneath
The wages you've earned for the shift (if the permission is enabled)
Breaks that were taken
Variance between the rostered vs worked hours
Variances between the shift you were rostered vs the shift you worked will be colour coded and the difference shown through either a positive or negative value:
If you've worked more hours than you've been rostered, green text will show how many extra hours you've worked
If you've worked less than what you've been rostered, orange text will show how many hours less you've worked
You'll be able to edit timesheets if you forgot to clock in/out by opening the relevant timesheet under the Timesheets tab and selecting the empty value. Once the changes have been made, click the 'Update' button on the corner of the shift card.
Your manager will still be required to approve the updates you've made.
If you worked a shift that you weren't rostered, or forgot to both clock in and out for a shift, you can add the missing times through the Timesheets page. You'll only be able to add a missing shift if you have another shift recorded in your timesheet.
Select the ‘Missing a shift? Add it’ option at the bottom of this page, where you'll need to enter the following information:
The date of the missing shift
The hours you worked on the day
The team you worked in
Any comments to add to the shift (this isn't a compulsory field)
This new shift will be sent to your managers for approval.
The communications feature in Tanda allows Managers can keep you in the loop of store operations, policy updates, and more.
All staff are required to acknowledge any communications they receive.
Access announcements through the Messages tab on the navigation bar of the app. If you have any messages that are unread, you'll see an orange dot on the icon.
On the Messages page, you'll see an overview of the different Communication rooms you're part of, with an orange dot showing which of these rooms have unread messages. To read a message, click into any of these rooms.
When managers create an announcement, there is an expectation that all staff involved in the communication or acknowledge it.
To send a reply, open the message in the Communication room it's been posted into. Any announcements that allow replies will show a 'Replies' button in the corner. Click this button to type your reply, attach a document, and send your response. Any replies you make will be visible to others in the communication room.
You are required to acknowledge all announcements send from a manager.
To acknowledge an announcement, open the message in the Communication room it's been posted into. Any messages awaiting your acknowledgement will show as Requires your attention. Tick the checkbox to acknowledge the messages.
Once you've acknowledged an announcement, you'll receive confirmation.
Managers will be able to track who has acknowledged their message, as well as who has or hasn't seen it.